The list of differences between my childhood and my children’s childhood is a long one. Technology is of course at the top of the list! I grew up with very little video games and no smart phones. My kids can’t escape them. So here is how to be a positive parent in 2020 using Positive Parenting Solutions?
There are so many resources, so many voices saying try this, do that. Adds promise quick fixes guaranteed to work the first time. Sorting through the noise is a daunting task. We all just want a source that covers all our questions.

In 2016 I had two little boys, one was 4 years old and the other 2. I was out of the baby stage of parenting and into the behavioral stage. I wanted to be a positive parent but I was overwhelmed.
I felt like I didn’t have the tools or the knowledge to deal with the parenting struggles I was experiencing. I was relying on passing comments from friends and family or random books/articles I came across. These sources often contradicted each other, adding to my frustration.
I would try one tip or trick that might work for on one child for a while but always seemed to spark a whole new problem.
For example, it was suggested to me that to help my kids be less picky eaters I should not let them leave the table until their plate was empty.
This only created power struggles that had no lasting positive outcomes. My sweet child would shed tears, I would become exhausted and eventually give in, our nights wasted.
I was in tears trying to understand why I was struggling so much and I knew I wasn’t the only one. I spent endless hours searching the internet and my old child development text books from college for something that felt right.
I felt like I was getting one piece of a puzzle at a time with no idea how they fit together.
In early September I stumbled upon a free seminar. I clicked this link for a free class and spent the next 45 minutes glued to my screen. Everything this Lady was talking about just echoed in my head. It just made so much sense! So I took a chance and bought a lifetime subscription.
I have never regretted it. It has changed my parenting for ever. I enjoy parenting now because I now have the tools to raise happy, strong, well adjusted kids! I’m succeeding as a parenting not just surviving.
Amy McCready is a mom like you and me. She became exhausted from daily power struggles with her two sons. In 2000 Amy began taking courses and seminars to discover strategies on how to be a positive parent that would change her life and thousand of other families’ lives.
Amy McCready is the founder of Positive Parenting Solutions. An online course based on Adlerian Psychcology that has serviced over 75,000 families on 6 continents.
So what is Adlerian Psychology and why should you care?
As adults we have essential emotional needs and kids are no different. Two of these essential needs according to Alfred Adler an Austrian medical doctor, psychotherapist
and founder of the school of Individual Psychology, are BELONGING and SIGNIFICANCE.
BELONGING means your child feels connected to you and the rest of the family. You re-enforce this when you give them positive attention like “I love you” you discourage this when you say things like “why can’t you be more like your brother.”
Your child feels SIGNIFICANCE when they feel capable of making their own contributions to the family. Kids need to feel they can make age appropriate decisions on their own. A big part of our job as parents is to give kids positive ways to exert their independence which leads to feelings of significance. Feeling capable on their own will serve them now and beyond.
Behavior good or bad always has a purpose, it is GOAL-ORIENTED. We all know poor behavior means our child is looking for attention. Every whine or eye-roll is your child trying to feel BELONGING and SIGNIFICANCE. To any degree your child is feeling like they don’t belong or they don’t have the power to feel significant.
Children do not have the maturity to respond appropriately or verbalize their needs to us so they act out. It would be wonderful it our kids could come to us and say “Mom I feel like you aren’t spending time with me and it makes me feel bad.” But they don’t. It is our job to recognize misbehavior for what it is, a cry for BELONGING and SIGNIFICANCE.

Think of the last time your child acted out. Can you tie it back to them feeling inadequate, incapable, embarrassed having to be told what to do, like they don’t belong, like someone doesn’t like them? The natural human response to these feelings is becoming angry, defensive, and distant. These all stem from their need to feel BELONGING and SIGNIFICANT.
So if Adlerian Psychology sounds right to you keep reading.
There are 7 steps to the program that include work books, tools, printables, and videos/audios. You work at your own pace.
STEP 1: The Science of Misbehavior and How You Contribute
STEP 2: From Complaining to Contributing: Empower Your kids to be Confident, Capable, and Independent
STEP 3: Revolutionize Your Routines: Regain Control, Let Go of Guilt
STEP 4: From Power Struggles to Peace: How to Handle Extreme Behaviors in a Positive Way
STEP 5: Transform Sibling Relationships: From Enemies to Besties
STEP 6: The Family Harmony Tool: Calm the Crazies, Fire Up the Fun
STEP 7: Your Future Success: Staying Strong Through the Ages and Stages
The steps you work through teaching you “Tools” from the “Toolbox”. These “tools” aren’t complex or crazy just incredible powerful. I seriously love them! They are everything I was looking for and everything I didn’t realize I needed.
They also have courses for specific problems such as sharing, potty training, bed wetting, technology, sex talks, homework battles, ADHD 101 and so much more.
They have an app that puts all of these things together for easy reference. I love the app because it gives we quick access to the lessons on the go. It’s honestly how I access everything 99% of the time.
The lessons are simple to understand and follow. I listen to them while doing the dishes, laundry, or in the car. I have the printables as reminders on my fridge.
The “Tools” they teach I use daily and they do work. They are not the quick fixes I kept running into, they take consistency and practice but they work and continue to work. I see the difference within the first day I begin implementing a new “Tool”.
I got the SILVER package for life time access. I go back and reference these “Tools” and “Steps” often since purchasing it almost 4 years ago.
What drew me to Positive Parenting Solutions from the very beginning is what keeps me coming back. Everything suggested in the course just makes sense! We often treat our kids in ways we would never treat another adult or want to be treated ourselves.
Positive Parenting Solutions is empowering for parents and children. It is about understanding the true needs of your child and your family. It focuses on helping your child become! Become independent, self-regulating, confident, a contributing member of your family and society. All of these things will serve them in childhood and beyond.
We are all born with the power to choose. No matter what you can’t make your child choose what you want forever. Positive Parenting Solutions gives you the tools to teach your kids how to make the right choice, NOT how you can make them, make the right choice.
You can choose now to be a positive parent.
Instead of treating outbursts you treat the root cause. As a Christian the tools and approaches Positive Parenting Solutions teaches are how I believe Christ did and does “parent” us.
I hope you will consider giving it a try. If you put in the effort and time now it will save you in the future. Click on the links to watch a quick introduction and take a FREE CLASS!
Please comment with any questions or suggestions you have!
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