My name is Amanda! I’m a mom to four wonderful little boys! I have grown and learnt so much about myself and being a mom because of these precious boys.
Most importantly I have learned that I’m not alone in this journey. I have meet so many other wonderful mothers that have each taught me. And most importantly I know that I have a loving Heavenly Father helping me on my journey.
Being a mom is that hardest and best thing I have ever done. I’m still learning and growing! The greatest thing that motherhood has given me is confidence.
Confidence in myself, my abilities to be a mom and my Heavenly Father. Do I still question myself? Of course! But I’ve also learned to be kind to myself.
It is these things I want to share with you and other moms! I want moms to know they are not alone and that they can be and are good mothers! This is why I started this Blog!
I’m working to find the balance between becoming my best self and also knowing I am enough. I promise that you will find empowerment and loving confidence when you read my posts. We stand tallest when we stand together!
My family life is crazy and amazing within the same minute. Can you relate?! My sons are currently 8, 6, 3 and 1 year old. I’m not going to lie juggling all their needs, development and growth is overwhelming some days but I wouldn’t change it for the world.
At the end of the day I know my boys know I love them. So even if I feel like I totally failed that day I always know I did one thing right.
My family and my faith are the most important and dearest things to me and they affect every aspect of my life. I’m blessed to be a stay at home mom. My husband’s job has us bouncing from state to state which is its own adventure!
We each experience our own struggles and circumstances but we have more in common then not. The most important being the love of our children and the desire to be a good mom.
Thank you for taking the time to get to know me a little more! I hope you will find value from your time spent.
Hop on over to my blog for more!
P.S. I’d love to learn more about you too! Shoot me an email!