I have had my eye on triple bunk beds the moment they surfaced! I had three boys at the time and I thought they were down right brilliant! My dream of owning one finally came last Christmas! So here is a the triple bunk bed review from a mom of boys 6 months later!
We moved across country into a slightly smaller house with 3 bed rooms. One for mom and dad, one for baby and one for 3 brothers. Luckily my boys are 8, 6, and 3 and they love sharing a room.
But shoving three beds in one room was impossible. My 6 and 3 year old ended up sharing a bed which was not sustainable. It also left very little floor space for play.
Triple bunk bed to the rescue! I did a lot of research in three specific areas, design, price, and durability. All three important areas for any purchase for over $100, especially for 3 very energetic boys.

There are actually quite a few different designs. L-shapes, metal, trundle, storage stairs, twin over queen etc. All of these different designs have their pros and cons. Totally depends on what is most appropriate for your family.
We have owned quiet a few different bunk beds over the years and this triple bunk bed is by far my favorite! I went with this design by Dorel Living, which allows the triple bunk bed to rearrange as my boy’s needs change.
This triple bunk bed design can be split up in three separate beds!! Amazing! Someone is a genius…or just a parent.

The ability for this design to rearrange and change with my kids as they get older and their own rooms just made so much more sense then the other designs for my family.
There are four different finishes available for this design; grey, white, black and a dark stained wood. I bought the grey and LOVE it!
6 months in and I still love the design! It takes up so little space, leaving more floor for playing!
8 year old on the top, 6 year old in the middle and 3 year old that likes to fall out of bed on the bottom.
Having the last bunk on ground level was also another reason I choose this design!
This design also has 360 degrees of safety bars around the middle and top bunks. This allows us to have the bunk flat against the wall or not.
Past bunk beds we have owned only had safety bars on one side limiting where it could be placed in a room.
Each bed is like its own little cocoon! And they think it’s so cool! They each have their own space despite sharing a room, which is a nice compromise.
My one complaint is the ladders are a bit uncomfortable to climb. They are skinny and slippery.
Boys don’t seem to have a problem. But I do, so I bought these little stick-on foam grips.
They haven’t moved an inch in the 6 months we have had them!

Price was a big thing for me. I mean we are looking at a $500 to $600 dollar purchase here.
If price is a big factor for you I highly recommend looking for sales just after Christmas time! That’s when I got this exact triple bunk bed for $400!
This design I choose was by far the best bang for my buck!
The best part about this triple bunk bed I choose is, not only that the price is fair, but because it can come apart and be three separate beds!
So really I spent $400 for three beds. $133 for a nice solid wood twin bed is a good deal!
This means I don’t have to purchase new separate beds in the future as the boys get their own rooms. That is saving $$$$ in the future so big WIN-WIN for me.
With three little boys monkeying around all over this thing, durability was a big consideration for me.
We have previously owned a metal bunk bed. It was nice but the metal could be bent. It never stood totally straight up.
I was honestly a little worried about the durability of stacking three beds on top of each other. Images of them toppling over with my boys hanging off it flashed through my head!
But let me tell you, this triple bunk bed is as solid as a rock. I CAN’T rock the triple bunk bed back and forth even while pushing off the wall with my legs.
I pushed, climbed and threw my own weight all over this thing. This bed is not going to topple over!
Both my husband and I have climbed up on the top bunk with no problem.
The triple bunk beds are solid wood and use their own weight and solid metal pins to stay together. They don’t lean like our previous metal bunk bed.
This triple bunk bed is built to last. It took me a good 4 hours to put it all together. I did have all 4 boys “helping” so that probably added to my time.
The instructions and pictures were easy and straight forward. Just mimic the pictures exactly and you’ll be good to go!
Definitely get yourself an drill!! Putting this thing together with a screw driver would take days!
I love that each of the rungs, that the mattress actually lays on, get screwed down. Last bunk bed they were just in notches and constantly got moved around, creating gaps.
These rungs are also made of a more solid wood. Boys broke a lot of rungs on past bunk beds because these monkeys love jumping on the bed.
I love the grey finish it is easy to wipe clean even from permanent marker! Learned that thanks to my 3 year old.
P.S. if you have not yet learned the secret of magic erasers, or the off brand version, they are a miracle for cleaning permanent marker off any hard surface.
The wood is sturdy and heavy. You will definitely need help when stacking and separating these beds.
I’m very happy and pleasantly surprised at their durability!

Definitely use, borrow or buy a drill. This would take forever without one and your hand would not thank you.
Put aside a good chunk of time without kids to put this thing together 3-4 hrs. You can do most of it all by yourself except stacking them.
When stacking them start at the top! What I mean by this is it is better to lift the top bunk over the middle bunk then slid the bottom bunk under the top two. We had a fan in the middle of the room that would have made starting at the bottom impossible.
Make sure you are there for the delivery. They are delivered within a specific time window because they are a large delivery and you don’t want them left outside. You may have to sign for them.
The triple bunk bed is delivered in two large and long boxes. So if they only bring in one let them know there is another. One box says “bunk bed” on it, that is the bottom two beds and the second box is the top bunk.
Teach your kids how to put on their own sheets or better yet get Zipit bedding! Makes making the bed a snap at a reasonable price!
The ladders are not very comfortable to climb I fixed this by purchasing these foam tread stickers.
Takes a long time to put together, 3-4 hours. Set aside an afternoon preferably without kids.
Putting fitted sheets on the top bunk bed is not very easy. If you are able to walk around most of the bed its a lot easier.
We absolutely love this triple bunk bed! 6 months later and I still love walking into their room and seeing it!
My love for it is a big reason I wanted to do this triple bunk bed review!
It just makes their room look so much bigger and tidy. My boys love having their own spaces and they love climbing all over it.
It was definitely worth the money and time spent to set it up.
I love how sturdy, durable and versatile this triple bunk bed is! It will transition with my boys as they grow.
Thanks for checking out my triple bunk bed review! Hope it helped you!